
Together we create truly sustainable laundry

The cleantech company Mimbly’s mission is to make the lifecycle of clothes and textiles less resource-intensive and more sustainable. Coor's mission is to help our customers in creating as attractive, efficient and sustainable workplaces as possible. Together, we innovate to save water and prevent microplastics from ending up in our seas.

Part of the Mimbly office in Gothenburg to the left, a logo on a wooden plate to the right

A beneficial collaboration

Coor has for many years been building a strong improvement culture. We have a dedicated innovation team that continuously identifies, develops, and launches new innovative solutions that are commercially, operationally and technologically scalable.

Mimbly is one example where we benefit from working together in trying to solve real and complex sustainability issues. The magic happens when we, together with a startup or supplier, and the customer, can work in the value chain to find these new amazing solutions.

A laundry solution that saves water

Washing, drying and ironing account for around three quarters of the energy and water consumed in the lifecycle of a garment. Over a third of the microplastics that end up in the ocean and in ecosystems are thought to come from washing of synthetic fabrics. Mimblys product Mimbox can help the society in different ways; by saving water and energy on site, but also stopping microplastics from ending up in the nature. 

The challenge

  • Drinkable water is used in everyday tasks, such as laundry​
  • Laundry is done using hot water, needing a lot of energy to heat up the water​
  • Modern cleaning is to a large degree performed using microfiber mops and cloths​
  • Synthetic textiles release microfibers when they are washed, and the microfibers end up in the oceans and organisms

The solution

  • A product that connects to laundry machines and makes the washing more sustainable
  • Save energy by reusing the hot water​
  • Use water in a smarter way and come one step closer toward sustainability​
  • Stop microplastics before they can reach the oceans
  • User centered design

Read more about how Coor is driving Innovation for a sustainable world.

Read more about Mimbly.