“If you use sound to help you focus better and stay alert, it’s important not to use white noise—i.e., sounds that are used to mask other naturally occurring sounds in our environment—for long periods. This can be harmful to your auditory system, and too much white noise can actually create subconscious stress and anxiety.”
“This may sound a bit strange, but there is research to support that it is effective to walk on a treadmill while working. I’ve never tried it myself, but the research says that you become more alert and have better cognitive performance because it gives us an extra dose of adrenaline. I’ve even read studies saying that it’s effective to ride a bike while working, although I have difficulty seeing how you could physically do that.”
“There is something called ‘The Cathedral Effect’, which is about how things like ceiling height affect us and our brains. Detailed, analytical work, where there is a correct answer or an actual solution, is best done in a room with a lower ceiling. In fact, even wearing a hat with a brim or pulling up a hood on a sweatshirt can help you focus and maintain your concentration …”