The Workplace Revolution is here!

It's time for the employers to create attractive offices from the needs of their employees. Coor knows what's important: smart, sustainable and functional workplaces that encourages well-being, human interaction, creativity and innovation.

Wellbeing in focus for the future workplace 

The office environment is now a make-or-break question for Nordic companies, the hybrid office is here to stay, and mental health and wellbeing are the areas that Nordic companies consider most important to focus on over the coming years.

These are some of the insights from our latest survey on the workplace of the future, which 1,022 Nordic decision-makers and employees responded to. As many as 7 out of 10 employers experience difficulties in attracting their employees back to the offices. At the same time, one third of the employees are considering quitting if no improvements are made in the office. Employees want better opportunities to work undisturbed and food & beverage services are key to attracting them back to the office. Read our new report for more exciting insights.

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Our report from 2022 exposed challenges

In the report Join the Workplace Revolution, you can learn that Half of all Nordic companies find it difficult to get employees back to the offices since many of them demand full flexibility.

After the pandemic, employers need to create efficient and attractive offices that meet the needs of employees. If no office improvements are made, 36% consider changing employers.
The figure is as much as 47% in the 18 to 30 age group.

Three out of five companies are currently planning structural adjustments to meet new requirements. This is shown by a new survey that Coor commissioned among 1,300 decision-makers and employees in the Nordic region.

“The workplace of the future should be a Mecca for boosting people”

Just a few years ago, the workplace was where you had your desk, your computer and your documents, and where you went every day to complete your tasks. The workplace of the future needs to meet new needs. Coor’s experts define the way forward.

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Experiences are key in the workplace of the future

In the workplace of the future, individual specific services, known as drainpipe services, are a thing of the past. The experience – a total concept of services making everyday life easier, inspirational design and technical solutions that allow people to work smart – is the future.

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Office design influences employee wellbeing

“I have long been convinced that mental and physical wellbeing are key to an effective working life. Leaders have an important role to play by turning words into action,” says AnnaCarin Grandin, President and CEO of Coor. 

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Jens Ebbe Rasmussen

Senior Vice President Business Development

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