Our customers
Flexibility creates value for MAN Energy Solutions
At MAN Energy Solutions in Denmark, Coor has created a complete overview of all technical installations. This makes it easy to maintain and plan replacements and investments.

When Coor initiated its FM contract with MAN Energy Solutions in 2018, the main task was to create an overview of all technical installations. And that was the reason why Coor specifically was chosen as the company’s service provider. The aim was to create a better structure for operations, service, maintenance and replacement of installations.
After a review of the technical installations in the buildings, a clear annual schedule was produced, specifying all the service information for each installation. This provides a good overview and allows you to produce precise investment plans for how it can pay off to replace and update the installations, explains Tommy Andreasen, CFO at MAN Energy Solutions.
A professional overview of the installations
“Previously, this knowledge about the installations and their service require ments was available only to individual people. Now our overview and knowledge is available to everyone. This puts us in a much better position for planning future investments in the technical facilities. We would never have been able to complete that journey without Coor.”
Coor also introduced an automatic troubleshooting system. Previously, error reporting was done manually on paper. Now the reports are submitted automatically in a system and the documentation is easy to access through a common Share Point site. This makes it easy to assess and solve tasks in the company’s daily work.
Coor shows its flexibility during the COVID-19 crisis
MAN Energy Solutions’ collaboration with Coor is marked by a high degree of flexibility and proactivity, Tommy Andreasen says. Coor takes part in daily whiteboard sessions with the production team in order to remain one step ahead and meet MAN Energy Solutions’ needs.
In the COVID19 situation especially, it has become clear that there is a strong will to adapt to the new reality on the part of both Coor and MAN Energy Solutions, Tommy Andreasen explains:
“Coor has been proactive and quick to suggest changes, for example with regard to investments. Naturally, it has not been possible to implement all the initiatives we were planning before the pandemic, but Coor was very understanding and had a strong willingness to change, which is something we were very pleased with.”