Good food with respect for the environment 

Coor offers food and drink for all tastes, needs, wishes and requirements. Together we create creative and sustainable food experiences in your workplace or venue.

Chef holding a wooden crate full of fresh vegetables in a restaurant kitchen.

Trends today – hygiene factors tomorrow  

Coor’s Food & Beverage service area currently delivers to businesses, landlords, universities and hospitals. With more than 200 employee restaurants and about 10 million portions served per year, Coor is one of the biggest restaurant operators in the Nordics. Our goal is to create dining experiences, memories that create sustainable enjoyment and contribute to our guests and employees feeling happiness and wellbeing in their daily work.  

We see that today’s trends in this area are starting to become hygiene factors that players in the restaurant industry must adapt to in order to meet tomorrow’s expectations.  

Sustainability from several perspectives  
What we eat must be sustainable – for the environment, the people, the economy and society as a whole. Modern consumers of food and beverage expect a responsible operator that has already made sustainable choices for them.  

We have extensive experience in managing today’s sustainability challenges – by making our menus seasonal, using climate-smart ingredients and transports and taking measures to reduce food waste, among other things.  

Digitalisation a plus at many levels  
We see that expectations for digital maturity in the restaurant industry are on the rise. Digital tools make it faster and easier for guests to provide feedback, see menus with detailed information on the food and above all select, order and pay for their food online. 

By embracing this development, we are constantly exploring opportunities to streamline our deliveries and enhance diners’ satisfaction through improved accessibility and convenience.  

Food as fuel for satisfaction and performance  
For many, meals at work are the high point of the working day. Employees who have the opportunity to work remotely are more likely to go to work if breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks and snacks are close at hand. Workplaces that can offer nutritious, filling and enjoyable dining experiences on site help employees to work, focus, feel and perform their best all day long.  

Read more below about how Coor works with some of the stringent demands of tomorrow for deliveries of food and beverage. 

Food & Beverage by Coor in numbers



9 of 10 patients are happy with our food at Karolinska University Hospital in Solna, Sweden.



Coor operates about 200 canteens and lunch restaurants in the Nordic region.  



We serve more than 10 million meals a year.

We cannot keep eating in the same way as we do today

Food and beverage represent about 20–30 per cent of total carbon dioxide emissions. If we do not change our eating habits, we will not be able to reduce emissions to the degree necessary to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Coor works with science-based goals and is committed to reducing emissions from food and beverage by 30% (kg CO2e/kg purchased ingredients) by 2025 compared with the base year 2018. We will do this in several ways. In addition to reducing food waste in our restaurants, we are participating in several research projects, including one conducted by PAN Sweden in collaboration with Örebro University, to determine how plant-based protein affects the climate and our wellbeing.

Another collaboration we're proud of in our Danish operations is with the coffee producer Slow, whose cultivations are not only gentle on their surroundings but also benefit the climate.

Coor is also conducting a Norwegian project, Food ®evolution, until 2024 with Nofima and Orkla. The goal is to launch more sustainable products in supermarkets and dining halls. 

Among the companies that participate in the initiative and make their staff restaurants available are, among others, Deloitte.

Confident female chef in restaurant with fresh bell pepper plant
Assorted freshly baked breads and dips on a wooden counter at a bakery.

Food as a motivator creates opportunities  

Our Nordic workplace survey Join the workplace revolution enhances the impression that the hybrid work method is here to stay, and that experiences and services in food and beverage are important in the workplace of the future.  

3 of 4 companies experience challenges in achieving desired office presence.  An improved dining experience can be an effective motivator. One third of the respondents stated they would come to the office more often if there were better lunch alternatives. Of the ten surveyed services, this was the most popular in terms of increasing the desire to work from the office.  

Other food-related services that motivate the employees to come in to the office are the opportunity to buy take-away for dinner and the ability to easily order food and snacks for meetings.  

Digitalisation provides a better experience

We have long been able to look at menus and order food online. We are used to ordering what we want to eat, deciding if we want to have the food delivered or pick it up at a certain time and paying at the same time as placing our order. It is also increasingly common for restaurants to provide us with detailed information on the nutritional content of the food and the origin of the ingredients. There is also a plethora of services where guests can share experiences, photos and reviews from their restaurant visits. In other words, digitalisation has shortened the distance between restaurants and customers and the time we need to wait in line.

With digitalisation, we have also seen an increase in food-related apps. These often have a high degree of personalisation with targeted tips and discounts based on searches and previous purchases and other types of loyalty programs. In recent years, we have also seen an increase in apps that reduce food waste by selling food that is about to expire or leftover lunch boxes at a lower price.

Today, we offer digital tools that can measure the carbon footprint of individual meals and how it is affected when we replace ingredients. Data that both we and our customers need in order to switch to more environmentally friendly alternatives. To meet the climate challenges we face, such development is important and new technology will accelerate it.

AI is a technology that is already being used and will eventually give us an even better experience from several different perspectives. With the help of AI, we can more easily get tips and recipes that match our personal preferences or culinary orientations, more quickly calculate and analyse what dishes to offer based on factors such as carbon footprint, popularity and food waste.

Person using smartphone to scan QR code at restaurant table for digital menu.

Working towards sustainable eating

Some examples of how Coor meets the trends within Food & Beverage

Science based sustainability targets

Coor works with science-based targets. This means that Coor's climate goals are in line with the Paris Agreement and what the science says is required to limit global warming to 1.5°C. Coor's climate goals were validated by the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) on 26 April 2022.

Coor included in unique project on plant-based proteins

From food production to wellbeing—how are the environment and humans affected by plant-based proteins? These are questions that the research center PAN Sweden want to answer. And for Coor, it is only natural to make a contribution.

Visit our knowledgebank for more examples from our operations in Food & Beverage.

Go to knowledgebank

Let's create great food-experiences together!

We at Coor have many years of experience with successful partnerships with innovative start-ups within all our service areas. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in discussing a partnership.  


Carl Fernholm 
Vice President Development Food & Beverage

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