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Cleaning heading towards a more sustainable delivery model

Historically, cleaning has been carried out at fixed intervals. Coor wants to create a delivery model where the customers’ premises are cleaned at the right time and to the right degree. This model would create added value and lead to more satisfied customers, happier employees and more sustainable properties.

Woman walking with cleaning trolley in a large conference room

Pushing the boundaries with new technology

Asbjørg Torpe, Innovation Manager, Cleaning at Coor Group, on the next big trends in the cleaning industry.

Cleaning trends

3 macro trends shaping the future of cleaning

For years, cleaners have carried out predefined tasks at set times, regardless of how dirty or clean the premises were. This delivery model lacks flexibility and also leads to some areas not being cleaned often enough while others are cleaned unnecessarily often, which is not optimal. 

Coor has identified three macro trends that will contribute to making it both possible and desirable to change how we deliver cleaning services: digitalisation, environmental awareness and an increased focus on health. 

Several different service employees

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