
"Sustainability is something that we have to work on together"

Coor’s overall goal is to deliver on our financial targets without compromising on respect for people and the environment. Maria Ekman, Head of Sustainability at Coor, sums up our sustainability journey in 2023.

Portrait of woman with white blouse.

What are you most proud of in respect of Coor’s achievements in sustainability in 2023?

“I am very proud of our high level of ambition and that we are not compromising on our long-term targets, even though we are under more pressure from society than ever. It is much easier to operate sustainably during times that are not marked by political and economic instability. The fact that during a year of major global challenges we set the goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2040 says a lot about Coor as a company,” says Maria Ekman, Head of Sustainability at Coor.

What were the standout developments in 2023?

“The year was marked by a continued increase in the number of sustainability regulations, which is something we welcome. Even though it puts more pressure on us as a company, we believe this is a positive development and see it as necessary because it makes it easier for investors, companies and consumers to make informed, sustainable choices,” Maria Ekman explains.

Last year social sustainability was high on the agenda. Has that trend continued?

“Social sustainability is a core focus area for Coor and we can see that there is still a strong commitment from other companies and society at large. Coor’s greatest contribution is that we provide work for people and offer good terms of employment and fair working conditions, but our commitment does not end there. Our business also creates jobs for people at our suppliers, and it is just as important to ensure that they enjoy good working conditions and pay in relation to the work they do. This is particularly important at a time when mental health problems and stress-related illness are on the rise,” Maria Ekman says.

What challenges do you see going forward?

“Right now there is a strong focus on the general increase in costs and it is very likely that this will continue. At the same time, I can see that this is creating great potential to advance the transition that is required to meet the climate goals in the Paris Agreement. In food and beverages, for example, a higher proportion of vegetable ingredients could also prove lighter on the wallet as they are generally cheaper. We are also seeing growing demand for services that optimise our customers’ energy use,” Maria Ekman says, adding:
“Carbon footprint is still a core environmental sustainability issue and we are pleased to note that biodiversity is moving up the agenda. As biodiversity is essential to the functioning of ecosystems, we have initiated several activities that benefit our local flora and fauna.”

Do you see any challenge that requires an innovative solution?

“If I were to point to a specific issue, I see a big challenge in how we use our existing buildings. How can we use our properties as efficiently as possible and not heat up spaces unnecessarily? These are issues that to some extent can be solved through innovations but which also require new ways of thinking and new behaviours. We are in a situation that requires radical changes, and the only way to achieve the necessary transition is through joint efforts. Sustainability is something that we have to work on together,” Maria Ekman concludes.