Experiences are key in the workplace of the future
In the workplace of the future, individual specific services, known as drainpipe services, are a thing of the past. The experience – a total concept of services making everyday life easier, inspirational design and technical solutions that allow people to work smart – is the future.

The workplace as a concept is undergoing major changes. Some companies have already started the journey towards developing the workplaces of the future, while others are thinking about what to do next. One thing is for sure: change is coming, according to Georg Linden, Innovation Manager at Coor.
“In the past, employers have competed with each other, but companies are now also competing with the home as a workplace. I believe that in future, the experience of spending time in the office will be most important for attracting top talent,” he explains.
The ergonomic workplace – with adjustable desks, correctly adjusted office chairs and a stationary computer screen set at the right angle – is no longer good enough,” according to Georg. As the demands made by employees evolve, employers need to start thinking innovatively to meet the needs of their staff.
“Companies now need to create a total experience that inspires people, makes their everyday lives easier and ensures their wellbeing,” he explains.
This might include helping out with dry cleaning, providing ready-packed grocery bags, or arranging mindfulness or exercise classes in the office, something that Georg believes we will see more of in future.
“For people who “save” two hours by avoiding the commute, it is obviously tempting to stay at home. This means that employers need to rise to the challenge by offering services that make everyday life easier so that those hours can be saved elsewhere,” Georg continues.
He envisages the workplace of the future as more of a community, where the employer’s task is to create an environment where people feel welcome, engaged and have a strong positive feeling while spending time there – and this is where services, innovation and Coor have a lot to offer.
“This might range from really great lighting to scents that increases employee productivity, from advanced air purifiers to the right kind of background music to enhance focus.
Tech buddies might also need to be present on site to assist with technical support, while the receptionist might arrange events such as competence exchange, barista training or fun Aws in addition to traditional services,” Georg explains.
“Many employees have started to question their choice of job and their physical workplace. Employers need to stay on their toes and offer something that adds value and is aligned with the employees’ values. Not achieving this means losing the battle over talent and many competent employees.”