Coor Achieves Silver Rating from Ecovadis

In 2023, Coor was awarded a silver rating from Ecovadis, reflecting the company’s strong commitment to sustainability. This places Coor among the top 15 percent of companies globally in terms of sustainability performance.

Employees from different service areas having a break together. The Ecovadis silver rating symbol in the top right corner.

Coor's strongest scores were in the environmental category, closely followed by labor conditions and human rights. Although the company dropped from its previous gold rating, the silver rating remains a significant achievement.

“We are very proud of the silver award as well,” said Maria Ekman, VP Head of Group Sustainability. “The work for the 2024 Ecovadis update is already underway, and given the continuous evolution of the assessment tool, we look forward to seeing how Coor progresses this year."

Coor engages in a wide range of sustainability projects. Over the past year, the company has partnered with research initiatives and organizations such as Food Revolution and Ureist to promote environmentally friendly solutions in the food sector. Additionally, Coor supports various organizations aiding vulnerable groups, including donations to UNHCR, collaboration with Stadsmissionen, and support for StartUp Refugees.

Another significant effort by Coor is the ongoing development of its own reporting capabilities, as well as assisting customers with tools like the new Carbon Insight reporting tool.

For more information, you can read the full Ecovadis report on Coor here.

About Ecovadis

Ecovadis, a company owned by Bain & Company, provides sustainability assessments for businesses. Their ratings are based on data from over 125,000 past assessments, covering more than 73,000 companies evaluated between 2019 and 2023.

Ecovadis assesses companies in four key areas:

  • Environment: Evaluation of environmental impacts and sustainability practices.
  • Labor Conditions and Human Rights: Review of labor conditions and respect for human rights.
  • Ethics: Assessment of ethical behavior and business practices.
  • Sustainable Procurement: Analysis of purchasing processes and supply chains.

Long-term objectives from a triple bottom line perspective