Contact Coor

We have offices all across the Nordic region and in Belgium. On this page you will find contact information to our head office and links to our local websites.

A group of people chatting in an office lounge area.

Contact Coor Group


Head office

Visiting address: Mathildatorget 9, 169 75 Solna
Delivery address: Evenemangsgatan 14 C, Lastkaj 2, 169 79 Solna

Phone: +46(0)10 559 50 00


Jens Ebbe Rasmussen
Group Senior Vice President Business Development
+46(0)10 559 59 62

Kajsa Högdahl
BD Manager at Coor Sweden
+46(0)70 941 87 69

Media and IR

Magdalena Öhrn
Communications Director
+46(0)10 559 55 19

Andreas Engdahl
CFO and IR Director
+46(0)10 559 54 63

You can also e-mail our IR inbox

Customer support

Please contact your local customer support or local Coor representative for customer specific requirements or fault report. If you don´t know who to contact, please call our switchboard.


Contact details for suppliers differs from country to country, and are presented at the country specific websites. For Coor Group and Coor in Sweden, most invoice queries can be sent to

Senior Management

Our Senior Management can be found here

Coor in all countries

Coor in Sweden

Coor in Denmark

Coor in Finland

Coor in Norway

Coor in Belgium

Not sure who to reach out to? 

Fill out the form, and we will get back to you!