Our employees

“I went from goods receiver to Group Manager in two years”

Everything is possible – as long as you believe in yourself and surround yourself with the right people. That attitude enabled Jasmina Mujcinovic, in two years, to advance from goods receiver to Group Manager at the logistics reception at the Karolinska University Hospital in Solna.

At the logistics and waste centre at the Karolinska University Hospital in Solna, 14 Coor employees receive, register and deliver everything that is sent to and needed at the hospital – medicines, consumables, textiles, food and mail – and the Group Manager in charge of the entire department is 30-yearold Jasmina Mujcinovic.
“I started here as a goods receiver and had no thought of becoming a manager. But life has taught me that you shouldn’t settle for being comfortable,” she says.

It was a friend that recommended that Jasmina apply for a job as a goods receiver at Coor’s logistics reception at the Karolinska University Hospital in Solna. Since she has always had an interest in technology, she was attracted by the prospect of working with robots, which are an important tool in the department’s work. Jasmina got the job. After that, it took barely a year before the group leader in the department decided to leave and the manager at the time then asked if she wanted the position.

“I remember so well when I received the question. My boss and I were talking to each other in one of the hospital corridors. Then my boss said, ‘Jasmina, when the train is at your station you have to get on.’”

"We all motivate and encourage each other."

Jasmina felt unsure – was she really ready to take on such a big responsibility?
“It felt scary, but then I thought, what’s the worst that can happen? So I decided to accept.”
She had only just stepped into the role of group leader when the group manager in the department suddenly quit. An ad was posted for a new manager.
“It was far too big a step, and too soon. But then a colleague said to me: why don’t you apply – you already do everything here?” Jasmina hesitated, but her colleagues kept encouraging her, and finally she decided to apply.

“I really like that about Coor. We all motivate and encourage each other, and there really are a lot of opportunities for development."
Jasmina eventually got the job as Group Manager at the logistics reception.
“I can honestly say that at the beginning I had second thoughts many times: am I really the right person for this job? But you have to remind yourself that you are there for a reason. Someone else has chosen to believe in you, so you have to believe in yourself. Today, three years later, I feel comfortable in my role.”

Jasmina Mujcinovic

Lives in: Stockholm, Sweden
Age: 30
Job: Group Manager at the logistics and waste centre at the Karolinska University Hospital in Solna.