Our employees
“I think people enjoy getting an overview of what’s going on in other departments”
Joachim Meyer works as Customer Experience Manager at Coor and is one of the company’s most prolific members of staff in terms of knowledge sharing.

“I talk a lot about what I do at work, on Yammer for example, and almost all the feedback is positive. Many of my colleagues get in touch to find out more, and that would never have happened if I hadn’t shared information about what I was doing that day. I think people enjoy getting an overview of what’s going on in other departments.”
Many of Coor’s employees indicate that knowledge sharing is a key reason for enjoying working at the company. Do you agree?
“Absolutely. This is a very open organization and it’s easy to approach your colleagues when you need help or to exchange ideas. I’m a naturally curious person. If we didn’t have this culture, I would be unhappy at work.
How do you share knowledge in your daily work at Coor?
“Our digital channels such as Yammer and Teams show that lots of people take the time to share information even when they don’t have to. This is particularly noticeable when you’re working on site at the office. For example, one of your colleagues might grab you spontaneously to share something that’s just happened.”
Why is it important to share knowledge?
“For a number of reasons. When you share knowledge, you increase the level of expertise amongst your colleagues. Knowledge sharing also reduces the risk of doubling up on work and minimizes suboptimal working practices.