Annual General meeting 2023

The Annual General Meeting was held on 27 April in Kista Entré, Knarrarnäsgatan 7.

Coor's AGM was held on 27 April 2023 at Kista Entré, Knarrarnäsgatan 7, Kista, Stockholm. Prior to the AGM, the Board of Directors decided that shareholders should also be able to exercise their right to vote at the meeting through postal voting in accordance with the provisions of the company's Articles of Association.   

Invitation and other documents related to the AGM

Notice convening the AGM
Form of Proxy
Presentation of proposed board members
Nomination Committee´s proposal AGM
Nomination Committee´s reasoned statement
Form for Postal Voting
Link to Postal Voting
Online registration to the AGM
Remuneration report 2022
Statement of the board,19, § 22 (in Swedish)
Statement of the board, 18, § 4 (in Swedish)
Auditor's certificate (in Swedish)
AGM Protocol (in Swedish)


For further information, contact:

Ossian Ekdahl, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, Nordea

Erik Strümpel, General Counsel, Coor Group

Magdalena Öhrn, Communications Director, Coor