AGM 2016

The Annual General Meeting for the fiscal year 2015 was held at Kista Entré (Kista, Stockholm, Sweden) on 28 April, 2016.

The meeting re-elected Anders Narvinger, Monica Lindstedt, Kristina Schauman, Sören Christensen, Mats Jönsson and Mikael Stöhr as Board members. The meeting also elected Heidi Skaaret and Mats Granryd as new Board members. Anders Narvinger was elected as Chairman of the Board. The Meeting re-elected PricewaterhouseCoopers AB as auditor for the period until the end of the AGM 2017, and auditor in charge will be Magnus Brändström.

Among other things, the Meeting approved a dividend of SEK 2.00 (whereof 1.40 as ordinary and 0.60 as extra dividend) per share for 2015 in accordance with the Board’s proposal.

Minutes and other post AGM related documents

A short Report from the meeting distributed as a press release directly after the meeting on April, 28, can be found here.

CEO Statement presentation (in Swedish - without films shown)

Minutes from the AGM 2016 (in Swedish)

Related documents to the AGM 2016 (in Swedish)

Invitation and other related documents prior to the AGM

Notice convening the AGM 2016

Proxy AGM 2016

Presentation of proposed board members

Nomination Committee´s proposal AGM 2016

Nomination Committee´s reasoned statement

Revisorsyttrande avseende ersättningar till ledande befattningshavare (In Swedish)

Board report on remuneration committee´s evaluation

Statement according to ABL 18 kap 4§

Proposals or questions for the AGM

In order to prepare the AGM notice, proposals or questions should have been sent to Coor by March 10, 2016.