Annual General Meetings

The annual general meeting is Coor's highest decision-making body, where shareholders exercise their voting rights. In addition to general meetings, an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) can also be convened.

wooden gavel and sound block on a table, symbolizing authority and decision-making in a legal or formal setting, with a blurred background of seated people.

Coor shall hold its AGM in Stockholm, Sweden, before the end of June in each calendar year. EGMs will be convened as required.The company’s Articles of Association stipulate that invitations to shareholders’ meetings are advertised through an announcement in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar (The Swedish Official Gazette) and on Coor’s website.

Invitations to shareholders’ meetings will also be advertised in Swedish daily newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. Prior to each shareholders’ meeting, Coor will publish the invitation in full in a press release in Swedish and English.


Annual General Meeting 2024


The Nomination Committee consists of the following persons:

  • Ulrika Danielson, Second AP Fund
  • Henrik Didner, Didner & Gerge Funds
  • Anna Magnusson First AP Fund
  • Richard Torgerson, Nordea Funds
  • Mats Granryd, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Coor Service Management

The Annual General Meeting was held in Stockholm on April 26, 2024.