About Coor

Corporate Governance

Coor has it´s registered office in Sweden, and is since June, 2015, listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. This means Coor´s corporate governance is based on Swedish law as well as Nasdaq Stockholm's Rules for Issuers and the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (the Code). In addition to this, there is also internal governance documents which applies to the entire company.

Man and woman sitting at conference table.

Management at Coor

Coor's CEO is subordinate to the Board and is responsible for the company's day-to-day management and day-to-day operations. The division of labor between the Board and the CEO is stated in the terms of reference for the Board and the instructions for the CEO. The CEO is also responsible for preparing reports and compiling information for board meetings and presenting the material at board meetings.

According to the instructions for financial reporting, the CEO is responsible for the financial reporting in the Group and must therefore ensure that the Board receives sufficient information to enable the Board to continuously evaluate the company's and the Group's financial position. This keeps the Board continuously informed about the development of the Group's operations, the development of sales, the Group's results and financial position, liquidity and credit situation, important business events and any other event or circumstance that can be assumed to be of significant importance to the company's shareholders.

Man in suit sitting by conference table.

Ola Klingenborg, President & CEO of Coor.


The company’s auditors are appointed by the AGM. At the 2023 AGM Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB (PwC),with Niklas Renström as auditor-in-charge, were re-elected to serve as the company’s external auditors until 2024 AGM. PwC has been Coor’s auditors since 2004. Niklas Renström has been Coor’s auditor-in-charge since 2018.

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