Code of conduct

Coor’s Code of Conduct describes how we do business, and how we behave towards each other, our customers, suppliers and the surrounding world. Coor’s Code of Conduct describes our key values: we always act in an ethical and lawful manner. On this page, we present some of the most vital parts of our Code of Conduct. You can read the full version by clicking below.

Colleagues brainstorming in front of whiteboard

CEO Statement - The rules of the game

Ethics are fundamentally about what actions we consider right and what we should do, or not do, in different situations. At Coor, the laws and regulations applicable in the countries where we operate are the obvious starting point, but within several areas, Coor has higher ambitions. When Coor does business and runs its operations we should do it in a fair and ethical manner.

In order to act in the right way, we need to understand what’s right. Therefore we’ve summarized the principles that govern Coor’s business ethics in a Code of Conduct (the “Code”). These principles give guidance in our daily decisions and duties, and works like the “rules of the game” for all Coor employees. Our suppliers must accept the same rules, and therefore we also have a Code of Conduct for suppliers.

Coor has a clear aim in terms of ethics: zero ethical breaches. For example, we do not tolerate any form of corruption, inducement, bribery, actions that limit competition, discrimination, harassment or unnecessary environmental impact.

It is important that we all understand the Code’s implications and how it should be applied. If you are unsure about any aspect of the Code, feel free to ask your first line manager or Coor’s General Counsel for advice.

Stockholm, Sweden, December 2021


Laws and ethics

Everyone at Coor must respect the laws and regulations that apply in the countries where Coor conducts business. However, the Code goes further than laws and regulations, and the Code outlines the minimum standards we all must observe, even when the Code is more stringent than local legislation.

Coor also complies with the principles of the UN’s Global Compact, the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the ILO’s Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.


As a Coor employee, you are never allowed to use gifts, benefits or other prohibited compensation of any kind in your relations with customers, suppliers, authorities or other decisionmakers in order to secure or retain business. You may not accept gifts, benefits or other forms of compensation from customers, suppliers or other parties that could influence the objectivity of your decision-making.

Even the smallest thing could be improper depending on the situation. However, sometimes gifts and benefits of limited value can be acceptable in certain cases, provided this complies with Coor’s Anti-Corruption Policy.

Money laundering

Coor will never accept, facilitate or otherwise support activities that are based on, or related to, money laundering.


Competition issues

Coor encourages fair competition and must always act in accordance with applicable legislation governing competition. Coor must not exchange information or enter into agreements with competitors, customers or suppliers in a manner that risks preventing, limiting or distorting competition on the market.


Coor is committed to achieve high standards in environmental protection by actively and continuously decrease any adverse impact the company’s operations may have on the environment. Coor is committed to Science Based Targets initiative and sets climate targets in line with limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C. Coor endeavors to conduct its operations in an environmentally sustainable manner, and will comply with, or exceed, those standards stipulated by laws, regulations and international conventions in terms of reducing emissions to the air, soil and water.

Coor encourages circular business models where our services, products and processes should be designed to utilize energy, natural resources and raw materials efficiently, and to minimize the volume of waste and residual products. Coor should avoid materials and methods that involve risks to the environment when there are other available and suitable alternatives


Working conditions and the working environment

Coor respects its employees’ rights of free association and collective bargaining. No employee may be subject to discrimination or harassment on grounds of e.g. age, sex, religion, sexual orientation, disability, political opinion, or ethnicity.

Coor expects that during working hours, all employees refrain from using alcohol or drugs.

Coor works consciously and systematically to create a good working environment, both physically and psychosocially. The overarching goal is to achieve a safe and healthy workplace that promotes the progress of its people and the company.

Regarding accidents at work, Coor is endeavoring to achieve zero incidents. Coor will work actively to continuously improve the working environment and regular updates of health and safety work should be conducted locally and centrally.

Coor pays wages that meet the requirements regarding e.g. minimum wage as set out in national legislation or in a collective bargaining agreement, as applicable. The wages are paid in a timely manner. Coor ensures that written, comprehensible, and legally binding employment contracts are in place with its employees.

Modern slavery and child labor

Coor does not tolerate any forms of modern slavery, including forced, bonded, or compulsory labor, or human trafficking. Coor does not tolerate the use of or benefit from child labor. The applicable minimum age for admission to work must be adhered to. The minimum age for hazardous work is 18 years.

Breaches of the code

All employees are urged to report suspected breaches of applicable laws and regulations or the Code. Employees may report to their first line manager, to Coor’s General Counsel, or via Coor’s whistleblowing service. All reports will be investigated.

Consequences and remedies

Coor does not accept any discrimination or other negative consequences for anyone who has reported suspected breaches in good faith. Coor will provide or cooperate in providing appropriate remediation where we have caused or contributed to adverse human rights impacts. Breaches of the Code may result in legal action including termination of employment or dismissal. Any deviations from the Code must be approved by Coor’s Board of Directors.

Code of Conduct for suppliers

There is a specific Code of Conduct for suppliers, which should be attached to all major agreements. Repeated or serious breaches of the principles of the Code should result in termination of the collaboration with the relevant supplier.

Whistle blower portal

Coor’s whistle blower portal is a group-wide online service where employees can anonymously report suspected breaches of Coor’s Code of Conduct. The portal is maintained by an external provider,and is available in all the Nordic languages as well as English,whistle.webp Polish, German, Dutch, Estonian, French and Hungarian. Reports submitted through the portal are encrypted and sent anonymously to Coor’s legal department for investigation.

Parties not employed by Coor, such as customers or suppliers, are also able to report suspected breaches of the Code of Conduct.

Visit our whistle blower portal